Set Mime Type for Resource Element in vRealize Orchestrator

A resource element allows for the use of external objects as attributes in workflows created independently of vRealize Orchestrator. For example, items such as JSON templates.  By importing the external object as a resource element allows for changes to the object and for those changes to be propagated to all workflows that use the resource … More Set Mime Type for Resource Element in vRealize Orchestrator

Return REST host by name from vRO HTTP-REST Plug-in

The HTTP-REST Plug-in allows for the interaction between vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) and REST hosts by defining services and their operations as inventory objects. When creating a workflow to remove the requirement to specify the REST:RESTHost type object as input parameter, I prefer to discover and return the type object by name this is particularly useful … More Return REST host by name from vRO HTTP-REST Plug-in

Identifying orphoned virtual machines and hard disks in vSphere

Connect to the shell of the ESXi host system and browse to location of the datastore (/vmfs/volumes/{datastore name}) to which you want to identity orphoned virtual machine hard disks and invoke the following command. This will return all virtual machine hard disks to which the modified date is seven days in the past (-mtime +7) … More Identifying orphoned virtual machines and hard disks in vSphere

Creating new address in a subnet using {php}IPAM REST API

In previous posts I have discussed phpIPAM which is an open-source IP address management application (IPAM). In this blog, I will discuss interacting with the REST API (version 2.0) to programatically create new IP addresses for a specific subnet. For the purpose of this article, I will be using the Postman REST client to submit … More Creating new address in a subnet using {php}IPAM REST API

Getting started with DevStack as OpenStack playground environment on Ubuntu

I was recently looking to deploy a minimal installation of OpenStack to use as a development environment and to minimise the complexity of installing a complete OpenStack environment where I can build and tear down the environment with minimal effort. This is where DevStack comes into play, as to quote: DevStack is a series of … More Getting started with DevStack as OpenStack playground environment on Ubuntu