Install XenServer Tools on Ubuntu

I have recently deployed a XenServer environment and was required to install the XenServer Tools on a virtual machine with Ubuntu install.

First I was required to switch to running commands with elevated root privelages.

sudo -s

Now, we are required to mount the XenServer Tools ISO on the virtual machine and then to run the following to mount the ISO and browse to the Linux installation directory.

mount /dev/xvdd /mnt
cd /mnt/Linux

Now run the Debian package for XenServer Tools for the virtual machines architecture type, in the example below this is for a 64-bit instance type of Ubuntu.

dpkg -i xe-guest-utilties_6.2.0.-1120_amd64.deb

One thought on “Install XenServer Tools on Ubuntu

  1. This has absolutely no effect with the latest Xen 6.2 and xe-guest-untilities_6.2.0-1150_amd64.deb
    I mean: XenCenter does not detect the tools to be installed


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